External Event
Virtual seminar

Sustainable Food Systems: Mainstreaming Natural Resource Management

Online seminar

Crafting sustainable food systems (SFS) that nourish people and the planet is the imperative of our time. Agriculture and food systems are essential to human survival and are severely threatened by climate change, natural resource degradation and loss of biological diversity. Concurrently, agricultural extensification and unsustainable farming practices accelerate climate change and threaten the ecosystems and many of the natural resources upon which food security depends. Every aspect of these linked problems involves the management of natural resources. Sound natural resource management (NRM), mainstreamed and monitored from farm plot to landscape scale, is central to addressing these challenges and meeting USAID’s ambitious food security and climate objectives.

The webinar features keynote speaker Dr. Ravi Prabhu of the World Agroforestry Center-Center for International Forestry Research, USAID mission colleagues Allison Macalady from Peru and Moffatt Ngugi from Mozambique, and Dr. Selena Ahmed, an Indigenous and traditional food systems expert.

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