
Rwanda Food Price Monitor

Who we are

This tool is a product of collaboration between IFPRI and the Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources in Rwanda.

The Food Price Monitor provides daily updates of prices in wholesale and retail markets for a wide range of food products in Rwanda.

Food prices strongly influence livelihoods and dietary choices of farmers, traders, processors, and consumers in Rwanda. When markets are tight, prices are sensitive to shocks such as a bad harvest or, in today’s context, supply disruptions. For the poor who spend most of their income on food, any food price increase may put their food security at risk. The Food Security Portal's Rwanda Food Price Monitor serves as a temperature check of market conditions for staple and non-staple foods at the local level. By tracking food price spikes that could point at supply disruptions, the Monitor helps identify hotspots in food chains. Price alert is based on price change with related to average prices from Jan 2020 to March 2020

Monthly price monitor

Use the tool below to monitor price changes and trends by the local market and by commodity in Rwanda. The Food Price Monitor covers domestic markets for which daily price data are available from the e-SOKO Project (

The eRwanda Project, a World Bank funded ICT for Development project being implemented by the Rwanda Information Technology Authority (RITA) intends to remedy this critical information gap with the use of ICTs through its e-SOKO Project that seeks to empower farmers to enable them make more informed market pricing decisions and ultimately more successful farming. This Agricultural Market Pricing Information System will also significantly enhance the Ministry of Agriculture – MINAGRI’s interaction with the farmers and traders as well as the planning function.

Weekly price monitor

Daily price monitor