
What's New

New FEWS Net Country Alerts

Aug 22nd, 2017 • by Sara Gustafson

The latest series of updated country alerts from FEWS Net provides food security and food production updates for several countries in Africa south of the Sahara.

Credit Constraints, Skills, and Smallholders' Agricultural Production

Aug 1st, 2017 • by Antoine Bouët

This blog originally appeared in the AGRODEP Bulletin .

By Antoine Bouët , Senior Research Fellow, IFPRI

Smallholder farmers play a crucial role in global food security. However, smallholders also often do not meet their production potential, engaging in subsistence-level agriculture instead of producing excess outputs to then sell at market. Such farmers frequently do not have access to the capital they need to reach this higher level of production, nor are they trained in the skills required to successfully manage what is in effect a small business.

East Africa Facing Food Security Crisis

Jul 18th, 2017 • by Sara Gustafson

The Horn of Africa will continue to face a significant food security crisis into early 2018, according to a new alert released by FEWS Net. Poor rains in March-June – the second consecutive below-average season – have exacerbated already reduced livestock and agricultural conditions in many areas of the region. In some areas, particularly Ethiopia and Somalia, rainfall totals from June 2016 to May 2017 were the lowest or second-lowest seen in over three decades.

Food Insecurity Intensifies in Ethiopia

May 24th, 2017 • by Sara Gustafson

Despite improved rains at the end of April and beginning of May, Ethiopia is still expected to see worsening food security outcomes, according to a new alert released by FEWS Net.

Sustainable Ag. Intensification

May 18th, 2017 • by Sara Gustafson

By 2050, FAO estimates that the global population will have reached 9.1 billion people. To feed this population, the world will need to produce significantly more food: 3 billion more tons of cereal and over 200 million more tons of meat products per year. At the same time, however, we face a lack of arable land upon which farmers can expand their production, as well as increasing competition for natural resources and decreasing soil fertility.