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Current Weather Hazards in West and East Africa

Jun 25th, 2020 • by Sara Gustafson

Africa south of the Sahara has faced several weather hazards during the first half of June, according to FEWS.Net.

In West Africa, between June 19 and 25, heavy rainfall followed several weeks of above-average precipitation. This led to flooding in several areas, including parts of Ghana, southern and western Nigeria, eastern Senegal, western Mali, Burkina Faso, and eastern Chad. In the coming 10 days, these and other areas of West Africa are expected to receive continued moderate to heavy rainfall, maintaining increased risks for flooding.

COVID-19 and Dairy Value Chains in Ethiopia

May 15th, 2020 • by Sara Gustafson

This post originally appeared on IFPRI's Ethiopia Support Strategy Program (ESSP) blog.


The share of households consuming dairy products in Addis Ababa has dropped by 11 percentage points since the COVID-19 crisis, seemingly linked to perceived risks of consuming dairy products. All income groups declined their consumption, except for the richest quintile where the share of consuming households changed little.