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Ethiopia Facing Severe Drought

Nov 16th, 2015 • by Sara Gustafson

Ethiopia is currently experiencing the worst drought in 30 years, as failed spring rains combined with El Nino conditions to severely weaken the summer harvests that feed 80-85 percent of the country.  However, experts have been quick to emphasize that the current situation will in no way reach the crisis levels seen during the 1984 drought and subsequent famine.

FEWS NET Report Predicts Flooding for Horn of Africa

Oct 29th, 2015 • by Sara Gustafson

The 2015-2016 El Niño cycle could bring significant flooding to areas of the eastern Horn of Africa, according to a new FEWS Net Alert released this week. Southern Ethiopia, eastern Kenya, and south-central Somalia are among the areas likely to be affected. FEWS NET warns that the situation could mirror the El Niño-driven floods and subsequent food insecurity seen in 1997, when flooding displaced close to 2 million people throughout the region and led to widespread crop and livestock loss.

El Niño to Bring Floods, Drought

Oct 15th, 2015 • by Sara Gustafson

Farmers and pastoralists throughout Africa could soon be confronting a dual threat, thanks to this year’s potentially record-breaking El Niño phenomenon. The weather system has the potential to cause both severe drought and significant flooding throughout the continent, leading to reduced or damaged crops, income losses, and increased food insecurity for many of the region’s poorest populations.

L'agriculture et le changement climatique : Partie du problème, partie de la solution

Oct 9th, 2015 • by Sara Gustafson

Depuis la déclaration des objectifs du millénaire pour le développement des Nations unies en 2000, le monde a fait des progrès considérables pour réduire la faim. Cependant, on estime que 200 millions d'Africains continuent de souffrir de malnutrition chronique et que cinq millions de personnes meurent encore chaque année des conséquences de la faim.