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How Volatile Are African Food Prices?

Jun 6th, 2015 • by Sara Gustafson

Common wisdom holds that rising price volatility in international food markets has translated into higher food price volatility in developing countries, particularly in Africa. This seems to be a logical assumption, as most African countries are net food importers, but is it actually the case? Not necessarily, according to a 2013 research brief by IFPRI researcher Nicholas Minot.

Eliminating Aflatoxins in Maize Flour

Jun 3rd, 2015 • by Vivian Hoffman

New labeling system may bring safe, affordable maize flour to Kenyan consumers

Kenyan consumers are demanding maize flour that is safe from contamination by aflatoxin, a chemical linked to cancer and other health problems. The toxin, produced by certain fungi, is commonly found in maize from several regions of Kenya due to a combination of environmental conditions and poor post-harvest practices.