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Battling the Dual Challenge of Undernutrition and Overweight

Dec 2nd, 2015 • by Sara Gustafson

Despite increased attention from policymakers and health professionals, malnutrition continues to be a major global health problem. According to the 2015 Global Nutrition Report: Africa Brief , almost one in three people suffer from some form of malnutrition worldwide. The highest concentration of malnutrition is found in Africa south of the Sahara; in this region alone, an estimated 220 million people are calorie-deficient, 58 million children under age five are stunted (too short for their age), and 13.9 million children under five suffer from wasting (weigh too little for their age).

Linking Nutrition and Agriculture: Mozambique Policy Dialogue

Oct 7th, 2015 • by Sara Gustafson

In the inter-connected world of food security, partnerships – among countries, regions, and development organizations – can play a critical role in achieving research- and evidence-based policies to increase the resilience of global food systems and to improve food and nutrition security for all. In this light, since 2014, IFPRI has held a series of food policy dialogues in Africa south of the Sahara, in collaboration with various regional partners as part of the Food Security Portal project.

Improve Nutrition, Market Access through Data: Tanzania Dialogue Summary

Sep 24th, 2015 • by Sara Gustafson

In the inter-connected world of food security, partnerships – among countries, regions, and development organizations – can play a critical role in achieving research- and evidence-based policies to increase the resilience of global food systems and to improve food and nutrition security for all. In this light, since 2014, IFPRI has held a series of food policy dialogues in Africa south of the Sahara, in collaboration with various regional partners as part of the Food Security Portal project.

Together for Nutrition 2015 Conference Focuses on Improving Ethiopian Nutrition

Jun 24th, 2015 • by Sara Gustafson

This blog was originally posted on the Together for Nutrition website .

This conference took place on 15th June in Addis Ababa. Almost 150 people attended from diverse sectors and organizations to learn and to share the latest research on food and nutrition.

The introduction, presented by Bart Minten, program leader for ESSP, Stuart Gillespie, CEO Transform Nutrition and Ferew Lemma, Ministry of Health, captured the essence of why we were gathered together – to collectively improve nutrition in Ethiopia.

Does Aflatoxin Exposure Cause Child Stunting?

Jun 6th, 2015 • by Kelly Jones, Vivian Hoffmann

This blog was originally posted on It was written by Kelly Jones and Vivian Hoffmann from IFPRI’s Markets, Trade, and Institutions Division as part of an ongoing series of researcher-authored blog stories highlighting research in progress at IFPRI.