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What Is Driving Agricultural Productivity in Ethiopia?

Jun 11th, 2015 • by Sara Gustafson

Over the past decade, Ethiopia’s agricultural productivity has exploded, particularly for cereal crops. This expansion in agriculture has led to impressive economic growth, but it’s unclear exactly what is behind the advance in productivity. Additionally, Ethiopian agriculture relies heavily on smallholder farmers, and some researchers are concerned that the recent growth may not be sustainable on the country’s increasingly small landholdings.

Changing with the Seasons: Ethiopian Diets and Seasonality

Jun 10th, 2015 • by Sara Gustafson

Seasonal agricultural changes can impact rural households’ diets and income, affecting their long-term health and welfare. Changes in diet quality are of particular concern, as diets lower in nutritional diversity have been shown to increase the risk of chronic undernutrition, micronutrient deficiency, and cancer and cardiovascular disease.

Event: Agriculture in Africa -- Telling Facts from Myths

Jun 6th, 2015 • by Sara Gustafson

“Rural youth are leaving agriculture in droves.” “Women perform the bulk of farm work.” “Few farmers use fertilizers and other modern inputs.”

These statements tend to be widely accepted, but are they actually true? Yes and no, and the answer will continue to change, said experts at Monday’s conference on “Agriculture in Africa: Telling Facts from Myths.”

Does Aflatoxin Exposure Cause Child Stunting?

Jun 6th, 2015 • by Kelly Jones, Vivian Hoffmann

This blog was originally posted on It was written by Kelly Jones and Vivian Hoffmann from IFPRI’s Markets, Trade, and Institutions Division as part of an ongoing series of researcher-authored blog stories highlighting research in progress at IFPRI.